Press Release: CILC Pinnacle Awards Recipients Announced

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August 3, 2020

CICL Pinnacle Awards Recipients Announced

The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, founded in 1994, and is the nation’s leading clearing house for interactive, virtual programs for students and Lifelong Learners. CILC is pleased to announce its 2019- 2020 Pinnacle Award winners! Each year, Content Providers from around the world are recognized for their “Programs of Distinction,” and for receiving outstanding ratings on program evaluation by educators and activity directors. Content Providers, representing museums, science centers, art galleries, zoos, aquariums, musicians, and authors, as recipients of this annual award, stand out as demonstrating remarkable quality of educational content and exceptional skill at program delivery.

Glenn Morris, CILC Executive Director, lauds the coveted Pinnacle Award as “representing a consistent recognition by the CILC community for engaging learners across the globe. An honorable feat, the program evaluations by teachers for teachers helps to build a culture of collaboration and criticism, empowering teachers and inspiring learning.”

Rocky Mountain National Park, a CILC Content Provider for just 2 years has received the Pinnacle Award for the second time. They state, "Rocky Mountain National Park is thrilled to accept this award for our second year in a row! The CILC has provided our rangers with a seamless way to reach students thousands of miles away that may never have the opportunity to visit a National Park. We're proud to be part of such a supportive organization (now more than ever!) and to be recognized for our fun, educational, and interactive programming!"

The Pinnacle Award was first awarded in 2008 and has become a CILC tradition.

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2019-2020 CILC Pinnacle Award Winners

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